Endowed Scholarships List

Named Endowed Scholarships

To review the current list of scholarship recipients, click here.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

Endowed scholarships underwrite the University’s financial aid program. They are awarded through the Office of the President in cooperation with the Financial Aid Office. Individual students cannot apply for specific scholarships. The funds awarded generally do not change the recipient’s total financial aid, but offer the distinction of an endowed scholarship award.

The Accounting Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
This fund was established with gifts from graduates, parents and friends of the Manchester University accounting program as well as with contributions from CPA firms. Income from this fund will provide financial assistance to students who show promise as accounting students and who demonstrate high potential for the accounting profession.

The Ruth Layman Anderson Endowment Fund
This fund was established in 2001 by friends and classmates of Mrs. Anderson, a Manchester University graduate of the class of 1951, as a tribute to her career and life. Earnings from the fund provide financial assistance to Manchester University students majoring in secondary education or in English.

The Max Allen Art Scholarship Fund
Established by the family of former Professor Max Allen, who was an able and dedicated teacher at the University for 39 years, this fund provides scholarships for promising students of art who are working on a degree at Manchester University.

The Margaret Drake Almack Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established by Margaret Almack’s husband, Tim, her parents, Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Drake, and her friends following her untimely death in the summer of 1979, just following her graduation from Manchester University. Income from the fund provides scholarships for promising accounting majors at Manchester University, with preference given to juniors for use during their senior year.

The Rev. Jesse J. and Mrs. Amanda Anglemyer Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the Eagle Creek Church of the Brethren in memory of the Rev. Jesse J. and Mrs. Amanda Anglemyer. The earnings from this fund will be used as scholarships to students who have completed the freshman year at Manchester and plan to enter full-time pastoral ministry upon completion of the educational requirements.

Esther May Ashley Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established in 1986 through a very generous estate gift from Esther May Ashley. Esther was a member of the Manchester University faculty teaching in the education department from 1947 until her retirement in 1961. She also held positions as an elementary school teacher, a high school teacher and a school principal. She was an active member of Delta Kappa Gamma, a professional honorary Society of women educators that promotes professional and personal growth of its members and excellence in education. Income from this fund provides financial aid for a junior or senior attending Manchester University interested in a career in education.

The Baldwin Scholarship Fund
Established by Ferne and Elmer Baldwin, this fund provides scholarships on the basis of academic competence and financial need, with preference given to children of active Church of the Brethren pastors.

The John Bales Endowed Scholarship for Managerial Accounting
In gratitude for his profound impact on their professional development, accounting alumni established this endowed scholarship in honor of John E. Bales, associate professor of accounting from 1977 to 2000. He shared generously of his broad knowledge with humor and gentle encouragement. The fund will provide financial assistance to deserving juniors and seniors majoring in managerial accounting.

The Opal Flora Balfe Scholarship Fund
Opal M. Flora Balfe attended Manchester University in 1930, taking classes in the business department. Because of the Great Depression, she was unable to continue at Manchester after her first year. Nevertheless, she made close friends who participated with her in a Manchester Circle Letter for over seven decades. Opal Balfe wishes she had the financial ability to complete her education at Manchester University. She established this scholarship to provide the opportunity for future business students of outstanding academic ability to attend Manchester University, complete their education there, and graduate to find employment that benefits society and the economy.

Barcus Scholarship Fund
This fund has been established by Robert G. and Mary Evelyn Shull ’60 Barcus. Bob has been a member of the Manchester University Board of Trustees since 2004. Mary Evelyn was a teacher for several years before raising their two daughters and Bob spent his career with the Indiana State Teachers Association. In awarding the scholarship, preference shall be given to students who are in good academic standing and want to study education with the ultimate goal of becoming teachers.

The Wilbur S. and Mabel E. Barnhart Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends of Wilbur S. and Mabel E. Barnhart. Proceeds from this fund provide scholarships for worthy Manchester University students.

The Beacon Heights Church of the Brethren Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by members of Beacon Heights Church of the Brethren in Fort Wayne, Ind., to encourage Beacon Heights’ students to attend Manchester University. Income from the fund provides scholarships for Beacon Heights students, with eligibility guidelines determined by the Board of Administration of Beacon Heights Church. In the event that no Beacon Heights students are attending Manchester University during a particular academic year, scholarship assistance may be awarded to worthy students from the Northern Indiana District of the Church of the Brethren. Scholarship funds are to be divided equally among all qualifying Beacon Heights students attending Manchester University.

The George E. Beauchamp Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Dr. and Mrs. George E. Beauchamp, and the former students of Dr. Beauchamp who taught at Manchester University from 1929 to 1943. Dr. Beauchamp instituted and made Manchester University the headquarters of the Indiana State High School Debate League and organized the Manchester University Invitational Debate Tournament, which was called the "world's largest debate tournament." Income from this fund provides scholarships for worthy students at Manchester University. Preference is given to speech communication students who have financial need and are active in forensics.

The Helen (Anderson) and Arthur Becker Memorial Scholarship Fund
Following Helen Becker’s death in 1982, her husband Arthur established this fund to provide scholarships for worthy students who have financial need.

The Beecher and Mary Berkebile ‘31n Beery Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in memory of Beecher and Mary Beery by their family and friends because of the value they placed on education at a Christian university like Manchester. Income from the fund provides scholarships to worthy students with preference given to members of the Pleasant Hill, Ohio, Church of the Brethren.

The Bergy-McRoberts Memorial Scholarship Fund
Keith and Jean Bergy have established this scholarship fund in memory of their parents. Earnings from the fund provide scholarships for Manchester University students, with preference given to those planning a career in the Christian ministry.

The Richard G. and Marjorie Hayslett Bigler Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established through a very generous gift from Richard and Marjorie Bigler. Marjorie is a member of the Manchester class of 1932. Dick, a Wabash College graduate, was a long-time member of the Manchester University Board of Trustees and was its chair during a period of significant physical growth and educational development. Income from this fund provides financial aid for worthy Manchester University students.

The C. James Bishop Endowed Scholarship Fund
This scholarship has been funded by family, University friends and former students of Dr. C. James Bishop, professor of history from 1969-2000 to ensure that current and future Manchester students will have opportunities to expand their global awareness through international study. Recipients will be determined by the director of financial aid upon recommendation of the Chair of the Department of History and Political Science using the following objective and subjective standards: Scholarships will be awarded to upper class students to help underwrite the cost of studying abroad or international study (including Model U.N.) as part of a course sponsored by a member of the Department of History and Political Science. This scholarship will enable students who would not otherwise be able to have the experience of foreign travel and/or international study to take advantage of such opportunities. Awards will be made on the basis of need and with consideration of how the proposed travel/study opportunity will benefit the recipient’s goals.

The Pamela Jean Bishop Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2005 by her family, Internal Revenue Service colleagues and associates, and friends to commemorate her life. In awarding this scholarship, preference will be given to an upper class female English major who characterizes Pam’s values, training, and interests, and is working on a concentration in literature.

The Lois A. Bollinger Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends of Lois A. Bollinger at her death in 1988. Earnings from the fund provide financial assistance to Manchester University students, with preference for those preparing for careers in the health sciences, including but not limited to medical doctors, chiropractors, veterinarians, or osteopaths, and also accounting majors.

The Emmert R. and Helen G. Bowman Memorial Fund
Established by their family and friends, this fund is a living endowment in memory of Emmert R. and Helen G. Bowman, who were former Manchester University students, devoted members of the Church of the Brethren, and firm believers in Manchester as a Christian university. Income from the fund provides scholarships for worthy Manchester University students.

The Paul S. and Nadine Bowman Scholarship Fund
Because of their appreciation for and confidence in Manchester University, this fund was established by Paul S. and Nadine Bowman to provide scholarships for worthy students. Mr. Bowman provided able and loyal service to the university in admissions and public relations for more than three decades.

The Daniel W. Boyer and Oda Mitchel Boyer Music Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends of Oda and Daniel W. Boyer in memory of their long association with Manchester University and its music department. Income from the fund provides periodic scholarships for students with financial need, with preference for those majoring in music.

The Everett and Ruth Brandenburg Memorial Scholarship Fund
This endowed fund was established in 1997 by their son Ron Brandenburg and their daughter Laurale Brandenburg Kreps, both of whom are Manchester University graduates. Though not college educated themselves, Everett and Ruth Brandenburg believed strongly in the value of higher education. Income from this fund provides scholarships for students who show academic ability and a desire to serve humanity. Preference will be given to students in their junior or senior years of college. Juniors may reapply.

The Carl L. Brehmer and Mary Lois Brehmer Endowed Scholarship
This endowment fund was established to be used for scholarships for students in need of financial assistance in memory of Carl L. Brehmer and Mary Lois Brehmer.

The Howard S. and Myra Bates Brembeck Scholarship Fund
This endowment fund was established by Howard S. and Myra Bates Brembeck. Mr. Brembeck is the founder of an international corporation that manufactures agricultural equipment and is creator and advocate of a nuclear disarmament plan. Mrs. Brembeck, a former student of Manchester University, has been active with her husband in his business, civic interests, and philanthropy. The income from this endowment provides scholarships for worthy students. Preference is given to students with a strong liberal arts emphasis in their academic programs. Preference is given to those who are majoring in or have a significant amount of study in religion, philosophy, literature, history, political science or peace studies.

The Paul J. and Hulda M. Brembeck Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Howard S. and Myra Brembeck in memory of Mr. Brembeck’s parents, Paul J. and Hulda M. Brembeck, who lived their entire lives in rural Wabash County, Ind. Paul Brembeck served as a member of the Indiana General Assembly and was a supporter of Manchester University. The income from this endowment fund is used to provide scholarships for students on the basis of merit and need. Preference is given to students studying business administration who come from rural areas and small towns of Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Illinois.

The Leicester and Jean Brown Scholarship Fund
Established by Leicester and Jean Brown, alumni of the University, this fund provides scholarships for worthy students on the basis of financial need, satisfactory academic performance, and contributions to the co-curricular activities of the University. In awarding scholarships, preference will be given to students who plan to major in business or physical education.

The Elbert D. and Helen Kiracofe Brubaker Endowed Scholarship
The Elbert D. and Helen Kiracofe Brubaker Endowed Scholarship was established in 2004 by Elbert and Helen's daughters, Pamela K. Brubaker '68x and Beverly A. Brubaker '72, to honor their parent’s lifelong support of peace and reconciliation. Elbert was a conscientious objector during World War II and Helen worked with him in various CPS camps after their marriage in June of 1944. Helen attended Manchester during the 1940 academic year; she and Elbert were long time supporters of Manchester. Income from the fund will provide scholarships for students with a major or minor in peace studies or planning to work in conflict resolution or peacemaking. If there are no students that meet this criteria, the funds may be used for any worthy student.

The Larry Joe Buck Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Larry Buck’s family and friends. Income from the fund provides scholarships for Manchester University students who have financial needs.

The Eldon R. Burke Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Eldon R. Burke, a 1922 graduate of Manchester University and his wife Marie-Luise Burke. Dr. Burke taught at Manchester University from 1953-69 in the History and Political Science Department. In awarding scholarships, preference will be given to students interested in international relations or those with financial need.

The Carl W. and Lorin A. Burt Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Manchester “M” Club members in tribute to their former coach, Carl, following his death in December 1966. The sudden death of a son, Lorin A., six months later, also a Manchester alumnus, prompted a combined memorial fund to father and son. The earnings assist “an outstanding physical education student in financial need.”

The Mary Ruth Dilling Butterbaugh Elementary Education Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established by Wendell and Marcia Dilling in memory of Mary Ruth Dilling Butterbaugh in 1999. Mary Ruth was a dedicated teacher of elementary school children in Indiana for many years. She graduated from Manchester University in 1933 and was the mother and mother-in-law of Wendell and Marcia, respectively. The Dow Chemical Co. also contributed to this scholarship fund through its matching grant program. Income from the fund will provide scholarships for promising elementary education majors at Manchester University. If no appropriate elementary education major candidates are available, the scholarships may be awarded to students enrolled in other education programs. This endowment was given in recognition of the ideals of Manchester University, which were also Mary Ruth’s ideals. Her hard work and life-long frugality made this endowment possible.

Stanley and Linda Byerly Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established in 1990 by Stanley and Linda Byerly. Income from the fund will provide scholarships with preference for a music major or minor with strong interest in Christian service.

Henry A. Campbell Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established in 2000 through generous contributions by the family and friends of Henry A. Campbell, a 1952 graduate of Manchester University and a much-loved biology teacher. Mr. Campbell also served his alma mater with distinction as a member of the Manchester University Board of Trustees from 1974 to 1983. In awarding this scholarship, preference will be given to graduates of Howard and Cass (Ind.) counties majoring in elementary or secondary education who intend to pursue careers as teachers of the natural sciences. Secondary consideration will be given to students majoring in biology-chemistry who intend to pursue careers in medicine.

The Edward and Della Canter Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established by the family and friends of Edward and Della Canter. Business majors are the preferred recipients of this scholarship.

Burnell Rife Carey Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established by a bequest from Ollie Pearl Bolinger Rife, a 1926 normal graduate of Manchester University. This fund memorializes a family member, Burnell Rife Carey, who died in the 1950s while a student at Manchester University. Earnings from this scholarship provide scholarships to worthy students at the University.

The Carlisle Family Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends of Mary Beth Carlisle, who died unexpectedly at the beginning of her senior year in 1971. The fund now also memorializes Mary Beth’s mother, Inez Deardorf Carlisle, who died in 1973; her father, Leonard Carlisle, who died in 1988; and her brother, Wayne Carlisle, who died in 1991. Mary Beth was an elementary education major; Inez was an elementary teacher; Leonard was a junior and senior high teacher before becoming a minister; Wayne’s career was in higher education. Income from this fund provides assistance to senior elementary education majors who have financial need.

The Harold S. Chambers Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1971 by the members of the Grand Rapids Church of the Brethren. It perpetuates the memory of Mr. Harold S. Chambers ’22, who was a devoted churchman.

The John and Ruth Clark Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was funded through a unitrust set up by Mrs. Clark. The fund provides scholarships for deserving and worthy students. John G. Clark received a B.A. degree from Manchester University in 1932. Ruth Hunn Clark was a member of the class of 1933. In 1946, Mr. Clark founded the J. G. Clark Co. of Edison, Ohio. Through the years, the Clarks were strong supporters of Manchester University. In 1986, during the Centennial Campaign, they provided the funds for the establishment of the Clark Computer Center at the University.

Class of 1933 Scholarship Fund
The class of 1933 established a legacy scholarship in honor of their 50th class reunion. Members of the class are grateful for the support and assistance they received while students at Manchester University and want to give back to those who will come after them. Income from the fund will be awarded to a worthy student with financial need.

The Class of 1943
Desiring to help prepare young men and women for vital leadership roles in today's world, members of the graduating class of 1943 have established this endowed scholarship fund to assist worthy students at Manchester University.

The Class of 1947
The class of 1947 established the Legacy Endowment Fund upon its golden reunion to honor Manchester University for its formative role in the lives of the class members and to honor the class for the instrumental role its members have played - individually and collectively - in the life of Manchester University and the community. Members of the class are grateful for the support and assistance they received as students and in return want to provide a lasting legacy to their alma mater and to successive generations who study there. Accordingly, they have designated that earnings from the fund shall first and foremost support scholarships and other financial aid. Desirous of supporting the University fully in achieving its Mission, however, the fund’s earnings may be used for other more urgent priorities should University administrators determine such needs exist.

The Sarah M. Clinton Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Sarah M. Clinton Memorial Scholarship is funded from an endowment contributed by her husband, M.D. Clinton, and her family. Income from the endowment provides a scholarship for a capable junior or senior who has studied at the University and plans to graduate from Manchester. The scholarship is renewable. In awarding the scholarship, preference will be given to a student preparing for a career in science research, cancer research or medicine. Eligible candidates from Illinois will be given preference.

The Barbara Lou Coffman Scholarship Fund
Income from a memorial fund contributed by the family and friends of Barbara Lou Coffman provides an annual scholarship to a member of the Church of the Brethren who is dedicated to Christian service. Barbara Lou, who was planning to enter Manchester University in September 1957, died in an automobile-train accident Aug. 22, 1957.

The Donald L. Colburn Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established by former students of Donald L. Colburn in appreciation for his 30 years of teaching in the psychology department and for his unique manner of interpreting the clinical process and facilitating field experiences in clinical settings. Priority consideration will be given to junior or senior students with outstanding academic ability in psychology who show promise of a career in a clinical or educational setting.

The Duard and Alice Stangle Conrad Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by a generous gift to Manchester University by Duard and Alice Stangle Conrad, alumni of the University. Income from the fund will be awarded to a worthy student with financial need.

The Dorothy B. Cordier Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Dorothy B. Cordier Memorial Scholarship has been established by her husband, Dr. Andrew W. Cordier, her family and friends. Mrs. Cordier was an alumna, former member of the faculty of Manchester University and a 1972 recipient of the Alumni Award. The scholarship will be awarded annually to a student on the basis of academic ability, financial need and promise of future service to society.

The Floyd E. and Margaret C. Cripe Scholarship Fund
The Floyd E. Cripe Scholarship was established by family and friends of the Cripes. Floyd Cripe, a graduate of the University in 1921, served as president of the Alumni Association in 1954 and was a recipient of the Alumni Award in 1960. He was an enthusiastic supporter of his alma mater. The scholarship will be awarded to worthy students who demonstrate academic ability and promise of significant service to society.

Mabel I. Hyatt & Marie M. Creager Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established with gifts from Mabel I. Hyatt in honor of Marie Creager. Marie attended Manchester University in 1918 and Mabel spent her life dedicated to teaching third grade in the Manchester Community Schools. Earnings from this scholarship provide scholarships to worthy students at the University interested in pursuing a degree in elementary education or library science.

The Floyd E. and Margaret C. Cripe Scholarship Fund
The Floyd E. Cripe Scholarship was established by family and friends of the Cripes. Floyd Cripe, a graduate of the University in 1921, served as president of the Alumni Association in 1954 and was a recipient of the Alumni Award in 1960. He was an enthusiastic supporter of his alma mater. The scholarship will be awarded to worthy students who demonstrate academic ability and promise of significant service to society.

The Rowan Keim Daggett Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1998 by friends, colleagues, and former students of Dr. Rowan Keim Daggett as a lasting tribute to her 30-year tenure and dedicated service as Manchester University professor of English. Throughout her distinguished career, Dr. Daggett was known and loved by her students and colleagues for her humble dignity, gentle and supportive spirit, and perceptive discernment. To commemorate her deep commitment to creating and strengthening possibilities for students to expand, explore, and succeed while at Manchester University, the scholarship will be awarded with a preference for students 25 years of age or older who are majoring in the humanities.

The Max L. Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship has been created by family and friends to honor the memory of Max L. Davis. A 1965 graduate of Manchester University, Max was both a teacher and a principal. “Mr. Davis,” as he was affectionately known to two generations of elementary students at Oaklawn, Meadowlawn and Woodlawn in Monticello, Ind., represented what each of us wants all who touch our children’s lives to be—persons who unselfishly give of themselves and seek the best in and for each child they teach. These scholarships are granted to junior or senior education majors with preference given to those who are majoring in elementary education, are married and who have graduated from high school in Pulaski or White County, Ind.

The Barry and Arlene Wolf Deardorff Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1987 through the generous contributions of Barry and Arlene Deardorff, both graduates of the Manchester University class of 1958. Income from this endowment provides financial assistance to Manchester students who are majoring in education, religion or philosophy.

The Flora Petry Deeter Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends of Flora Petry Deeter. In awarding scholarships, preference will be given to a worthy student pursuing a degree in religion or philosophy preparing for a career in Christian ministry.

Wilbur and Dorothy Detwiler Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established through a very generous estate gift from Wilbur and Dorothy Detwiler. Dorothy was a member of the Manchester class of 1930. Income from this fund provides financial aid for worthy Manchester University students.

The Gertrude B. and Moses H. Diehl Scholarship Fund
Gertrude B. (Zuck) Diehl, a music major, was a member of the Mt. Morris College class of 1932, and Moses H. Diehl, a history major, was a member of the Mt. Morris class of 1930. For the majority of his career, Moses worked for Kable News of Mt. Morris, Ill. This fund was established by Mr. Diehl in 1997 to provide financial support to worthy Manchester University students, to honor his late wife for her partnership and support, and to pay tribute to Mt. Morris College for the formative role it played in their lives.

The Carole Welch Dilling, Ph.D., Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by her husband, Dr. Roger Dilling, her family, and friends. Carole, valedictorian of the class of 1962, was a psychotherapist in New York City. The scholarship has been awarded annually since 1987 for the senior year of a psychology major of outstanding academic ability.

The Wendell L. and Marcia Dilling Chemistry Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established by Dr. Wendell L. Dilling and Marcia L. Taylor Dilling in 1997. Both Wendell and Marcia were chemistry majors at Manchester University in the 1950s. For 30 years they were employed as chemists at The Dow Chemical Company, which contributed to this scholarship fund through its matching gift program. Income from the fund will provide scholarships for promising chemistry majors at Manchester University. If no appropriate chemistry major candidates are available, the scholarship may be awarded to students enrolled in other science programs. This endowment was given in recognition of the ideals of Manchester University and of the benefits of living in a free enterprise system where truth and individual responsibility are valued.

The Martha Whitmer Dodge Memorial Scholarship Fund
The fund was created in 1969. A gift from her estate provided the main source of this fund.

The Edith Dresher Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Edith Dresher, alumna and former trustee of Manchester University, to provide scholarships for worthy students.

The Bill Early Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Bill Early, a former Manchester University student. Mr. Early, an Ohio businessman, was in the construction and road building equipment business. Income from the fund provides scholarships for students who have financial need and merit financial assistance, with preference given to those who are, or expect to be majors in economics and business.

The William R. Eberly Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by colleagues, former students, and friends of Dr. William R. Eberly ’48 on the occasion of his retirement after 37 years as a professor of biology and environmental studies at Manchester University. Dr. Eberly initiated the environmental studies program at Manchester in 1971 and was instrumental in developing the Koinonia Environmental and Retreat Center. Dr. Eberly and his wife, Eloise ’48, have joined in supporting this scholarship fund for worthy students who are majoring in environmental studies.

Kermit Eby Memorial Fund
The Kermit Eby Memorial Fund was established by Kermit Eby's many friends and colleagues following his untimely death in 1963. The principal and income from the fund is used to provide scholarships and underwrite lectures at Manchester and other colleges and universities in the Midwest.

The A. R. and Elizabeth R. Eikenberry Scholarship Fund
Income from a gift to the University made in memory of Elizabeth R. Eikenberry by her husband, A. R. Eikenberry, is used to provide a scholarship to a student majoring in psychology. This scholarship is awarded annually to a sophomore or junior on the basis of financial need, academic ability, and promise of significant service to society.

The Ivan Eikenberry Family Scholarship Fund
Brian Eikenberry was killed suddenly during fall 1974 when he was struck by a bolt of lightning during a soccer practice. His family and friends established this fund in his memory. Income from the fund provides scholarships for worthy Manchester University students, with preference for those aiming for Christian service.

The Entrepreneurial Leadership Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established by a gift from Mark E. and Janis Johnston, Manchester University graduates in 1968 and 1969. Proceeds from this fund provide scholarships for economics and business majors who show promise of entrepreneurial business leadership, with preference given to students with financial need. Recipients are chosen during the latter part of their sophomore year and will be eligible to receive this award during their junior and senior years.

The T. Quentin Evans Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by colleagues, former students, and friends of T. Quentin Evans, who was a respected professor of sociology at Manchester for 27 years. Significant contributions have been made by Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Butler as a memorial to Douglas Kent Butler, a son who died unexpectedly in 1955. While at Manchester, Dr. Evans made significant efforts to encourage minority students to seek admission to the University. In awarding the scholarship, preference is given to worthy minority students with upperclass standing majoring in sociology or social work.

The Loren E. Ezra Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund has been created by family and friends to honor the memory of Loren E. Ezra, a farmer, elementary teacher and principal in Pulaski and White County, Ind. He began teaching at the age of 19 and taught for 40 years. His three daughters were his students through their first eight grades and his son was his student through seven grades. All four of his children attended Manchester University. Three of them, like their father, became teachers. Loren Ezra was the epitome of Manchester’s motto of faith, learning, and service. These scholarships are granted to junior or senior education majors with preference given to those who are majoring in elementary education, are married and who have graduated from high school in Pulaski or White County, Ind.

Doris Gene Ferrari Endowed Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established in 2009 by Gene Ferrari to support education majors. Mrs. Ferrari graduated from Manchester in 1947 and was a school teacher until her retirement in 1978. She was a mentor to many small children as her career was spent teaching 1st graders. Income from the fund will provide financial assistance to deserving Manchester University students with preference to those interested in pursuing a career in education or majoring in education studies.

The Morris and Florence Hauger Firebaugh Scholarship Fund
This fund was established with a gift from Morris and Florence Hauger Firebaugh. Earnings from the fund will provide scholarships for Christian students who are committed to live out their faith in their homes and careers. Financial need will be considered in the awarding of this scholarship.

The Sam and Lillian Moomaw Flory and Reverend H. Robert Gemmer Memorial
Scholarship Fund

This scholarship was established by Jean Gemmer McCutchan (their granddaughter), Robert and Myrna Flory Gemmer (their daughter and son-in-law), and David Gemmer (their grandson) in memory of Sam and Lillian Moomaw Flory, Manchester alumni. Income from this fund is awarded annually to a student whose personal life and commitment is to the ideals and concerns of the Church of the Brethren. Preference is given to students with a peace studies major. If no one in this area qualifies, an international student or one from a disadvantaged background who is majoring in social sciences and has a commitment to future service to the world community through such areas as the ministry, psychology, or social work is eligible.

The Rolland F. and Bertha B. Flory Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Rolland F. and Bertha B. Flory to provide scholarships for students who attend Manchester University. In awarding the scholarship, priority is given to students from the Donnels Creek Church of the Brethren in Ohio.

The Mildred Anderson Fosha Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by a gift from the Freeport, Ill., Church of the Brethren, using a portion of a bequest received from Mildred Anderson Fosha. Her will directed that her bequest be used for the glory of God and her neighbors’ good. Earnings from the fund will provide financial aid for worthy students.

John S. and Mary L. Fourman Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established through a generous bequest from John S. and Mary L. Fourman because of the value they placed on education at a Church of the Brethren affiliated university like Manchester. Income from the fund provides scholarships to worthy students with preference given to students that are members of the Greenville Church of the Brethren. In any year there are no students from such Church who desire to attend Manchester, then secondary preference is given to students who attend a church which is a member of the Southern Ohio District of the Church of the Brethren or any Church of the Brethren congregation.

The Alice Abell Fox Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1997 by an anonymous donor in honor of Alice A. Fox. Mrs. Fox was a post-graduate student at Manchester University and devoted her career to the field of education. Earnings from the fund provide financial assistance to worthy students majoring in education.

The Henry and Hattie Frantz Memorial Scholarship Fund
The family of Henry and Hattie Frantz established this fund in their honor. Income from the fund provides scholarship assistance to worthy Manchester University students.

The O.C. and Flora Frantz Scholarship Fund
This fund has been established to provide financial assistance for deserving students. It was established because the Frantzes have had a long and close association with Manchester University, including a year when O.C. Frantz served as interim treasurer.

The Robert S. and Alice C. Frantz Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1990 by Bob and Alice Frantz to commemorate their long-term support and appreciation of the mission of Manchester University. Bob served for 18 years as business office manager at the University. Since his retirement, both Alice and Bob have remained active volunteers in a variety of programs in support of the University. The purpose of this scholarship fund is to provide financial assistance for worthy Manchester University students.

The Liegh B. and Florence T. Freed Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1975 by a generous gift to Manchester University by Liegh and Florence Freed, alumni of the University. The income establishes a scholarship that alternately benefits a music student and a science student. It is awarded annually. A current holder in good standing making progress toward a degree is eligible for renewal.

The N.R. and Eliza Freed Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was created by Liegh and Florence Freed in honor of Liegh’s deceased parents, N. R. and Eliza B. Freed, who were devoted members of the Eagle Creek Church of the Brethren in Ohio. The income of this fund supports a student at Manchester. Students who are members of the Church of the Brethren, whose objective is a church-related vocation, are given prior consideration in the awarding of this scholarship.

The Harold and Virginia Frick Endowed Science Scholarship Fund
The Harold and Virginia Frick Endowed Science Scholarship Fund was established in memory of Harold and Virginia Frick by their children. The scholarship is to be used for students enrolled full-time in pursuit of a degree and who wish to study science. Preference shall be given to students from Indiana and from the Church of the Brethren.

David Friermood Endowed Scholarship Fund
This scholarship has been set up by Friends of David Friermood to honor the numerous contributions made by David Friermood to the University and its students since 1964. David has always demonstrated an infectious, positive attitude and a willingness to help others in every position that he has held in his 45 plus year tenure. It is David's desire to help and serve others that has led Friends of David Friermood to establish this fund to provide the opportunity to help and serve future students. In awarding the scholarship, preference shall be given to students working in a service position on campus such as maintenance, grounds, set up and housekeeping who are in their sophomore, junior or senior year. If there are no qualified students from these areas, secondary preference will be given to other worthy students with financial need.

The Samuel and Julia Garber Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established by LaVon and Don H. Garber in memory of their parents, Samuel and Julia Garber, this scholarship is awarded annually to a worthy student or students attending Manchester University.

The Doris B. Garey Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by family and friends of Doris Garey, who was a distinguished professor of English at Manchester University from 1956 until her retirement in 1972. Proceeds from the fund provide scholarships for worthy English majors.

The Earl S. and Winifred G. Garver Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family of Earl S. and Winifred G. Garver. Earl Garver was dean of Manchester University from 1950 to 1968. Colleagues, alumni, students, and other friends have contributed to the fund. Fund income is used for scholarships for worthy Manchester University students.

Howard M. Garver and V. Anne Garver Curless Scholarship Fund
Income from this fund established by friends of Manchester University provides scholarships for worthy students studying at the University. The scholarship is awarded on the basis of financial need, satisfactory academic achievement, and promise of service to society. Preference is given to students majoring or studying in the Department of Music.

General Endowed Scholarship Fund
The General Endowed Scholarship Fund, established through contributions from alumni and friends of Manchester University, provides scholarships to worthy Manchester University students.

The Paul and Verda Hershberger Gibbel Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1963 by J. Paul Gibbel, M.D., in memory of his wife, Verda, who died in 1961. Upon his death in 1972, the fund received additional gifts in his memory. A substantial sum was added through a designated bequest from Lila C. Brubaker, a friend of the Gibbels, who died in 1971. Preference is given to students who have financial need, academic competence, and interest in a career of Christian service.

Gilbert Memorial Scholarship Fund
Created by contributions by the family and friends of Arthur L. and S. Marie Gilbert, the income of the fund is used to provide an annual scholarship to a worthy student. Preference is given to a student planning to major in accounting. Freshmen are eligible for consideration and the scholarship may be held for four years, depending on the student’s academic and college citizenship record.

The Martha Rupel Gilbert Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1995 by family and friends in memory of Martha Rupel Gilbert, a 1929 graduate of Manchester University who performed service work in Europe, the Far East, and the United States. Income from the fund will provide financial aid to students preparing for careers in Christian ministries or health professions.

The Roy and Wanda Gilmer Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established with a generous gift from Roy and Wanda Gilmer, both members of the Manchester University class of 1934. Through this fund, the Gilmers remember Wanda’s father, a physician, and mother and express their appreciation for the Manchester University premedical program that has been so instrumental in sending committed graduates into the medical professions. Income from the fund will be used to provide assistance to worthy premedical students.

The Gail Ginn Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by E. Cleon Ginn in honor of his mother, Gail Ginn. Proceeds from this fund provide scholarships to assist students majoring in elementary education.

The W. Estil Ginn Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by E. Cleon Ginn in memory of his father, W. Estil Ginn. Income from the fund provides scholarships for Manchester University students with preference given to those planning a career in school administration or other related fields in education.

The Onda Dyson Good and Rex, Lorin and Hazel Good Scholarship Fund
This fund was created in 1970 in memory of Rex and Lorin Good by surviving spouses and others. In awarding the scholarship, qualifying students of the Monterey, Ind., area are given preferential consideration.

Goshen City Church of the Brethren Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by members of Goshen City Church of the Brethren, to encourage Goshen City Church students to attend Manchester University. Income from the fund provides scholarships for Goshen City students, with eligibility guidelines determined by the Board of Administration of Goshen City Church. In the event no Goshen City students are attending Manchester University during a particular academic year, scholarship assistance may be awarded to worthy students from the Northern Indiana District of the Church of the Brethren. Scholarship funds are to be divided equally among all qualifying Goshen City students attending Manchester University.

The Thurmyle Gosnell Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends of Thurmyle Gosnell who, because of a series of illnesses and untimely death in 1968, was prevented from serving Manchester University as was her wish. Proceeds from the fund provide scholarships for promising mathematics majors who have financial need.

Jeffrey L. Grandstaff Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, named in memory of Jeffrey L. Grandstaff, a 1985 graduate of Manchester University, was established by his wife, Penny A. Grandstaff ’85, and his parents, Jane C. and David D. Grandstaff. The primary purpose of the scholarship is to provide financial assistance for worthy students to attend Manchester University, with preference given to those studying in computer science.

The Helen Eberhart Groff Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by J. Daniel Groff, husband of Helen Eberhart Groff, and her friends. Helen Groff graduated from Manchester University in 1933. She was a gifted teacher, remembered fondly by her former students, and a beloved team member with her pastor husband in the Christian Church. Earnings from this fund provide financial assistance for worthy students.

The Mary L. Myerly Reece Groff Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2001 through a generous bequest by Mary Reece Groff. Mrs. Groff was member of the Manchester University class of 1933 and a life-long friend of the University. She was a school teacher in the Warsaw system for many years. Earnings from the fund provide financial assistance to worthy Manchester University students.

The Arlo K. Gump Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by contributions of the family and friends of Arlo K. Gump, a 1931 graduate of the University who served as chair of the Board of Trustees and president of the Alumni Association. Income from this endowment fund provides annual scholarships for worthy students.

The Paul and Sara Halladay Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends of Paul and Sara Halladay. Mr. Halladay was professor of music at Manchester University for 39 years. Income provides financial assistance to students in need, with preference to music majors.

The O. Stuart and Gertrude Hamer Memorial Scholarship Fund
Professor O. Stuart Hamer taught for many years at Manchester University. This fund was established by his family to honor his distinguished teaching career. Income from the fund provides scholarships for worthy Manchester University students.

The Rev. Joseph and Mrs. Mildred Hanawalt Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by family and friends in honor of Joseph and Mildred Hanawalt. Joseph Hanawalt, a graduate of Manchester University, was a United Methodist minister serving churches in northern Indiana. The income from this fund is used to provide scholarships for United Methodist students attending Manchester University.

The Dr. Donald R. Hardman and Mrs. Carolyn S. Hardman Scholarship Fund
The children, family and friends of Donald ’59 and Carolyn ’61 established this fund in celebration of the couple’s 40th wedding anniversary in August 1999. This renewable scholarship shall be awarded on the basis of academic competence and financial need with preference given to students from Huntington or Wabash counties in Indiana.

The Gail Harley Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established through generous gifts from friends and family in loving memory of Gail Harley. Gail graduated from Manchester University in the class of 1957 with a degree in psychology. Gail met his wife, Mona Lue Tribolet Harley, while a student at Manchester. He was a school psychologist before his death in 1990. His was a loving father to their three children and an active member of the Lincolnshire Church of the Brethren. Earnings from the fund provide financial assistance to Manchester University students majoring in psychology or first generation University students. If no appropriate psychology major or first generation students are available then the scholarship should be awarded to a worthy student.

The Albert E. and Olive M. Harshbarger Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends of Albert E. and Olive M. Harshbarger, both mathematics majors and graduates of the class of 1928. Their careers were spent teaching mathematics in the public schools. Mr. Harshbarger served a long tenure as a trustee of Manchester University. The income from the fund provides scholarship assistance based on academic merit to a worthy student studying mathematics.

The John J. “Jack” Hartman Fund for International Students
John J. “Jack” Hartman ’51 established this fund for his gratitude and the opportunities and support he received while attending Manchester University. His desire to foster international understanding and peace led him to establish this fund for international students through a generous bequest. The earnings from the fund are to provide financial aid to deserving students who are citizens of and reside in African countries, whom otherwise would not be able to obtain a college education. Awards are to be based upon financial need. Aid from the fund shall be only for promising individuals who seek opportunity for college education.

Dr. George M. and Phyllis A. Haymond Endowed Scholarship Fund
Because of his appreciation for and confidence in Manchester University, this fund was established with a generous gift in 2011 from George A. Haymond in honor of his wife, Phyllis. Although George did not complete his degree at Manchester he strongly believes in the value of a liberal arts education. He attended Manchester for 2 years beginning in 1943 and transferred to Indiana University to complete his medical degree. The purpose of this fund is to assist a worthy student who may not be able to attend a university without financial assistance from scholarships like this one.

The Naomi and Paul Heestand Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in fall 1966 with an initial memorial gift by Mrs. Paul Heestand (Naomi) in memory of her husband. On the death of Mrs. Heestand in 1972, memorial gifts were added in her memory by family and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Heestand both were Manchester graduates.

The Wilbur and Marjorie Miller Heisey Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1991 by Wilbur Heisey ’43, and others, in memory of his wife Marjorie Miller ’42 Heisey. The income from this fund is used each year to provide a scholarship that will benefit a worthy student who has a financial need and whose personal life and commitment give promise of significant service to society.

The A. Blair and Patricia K. Helman Honor Scholarships/Manchester University Presidential Leadership Awards
These awards are made possible by an endowed fund established in honor of A. Blair Helman, the tenth President of Manchester University, and Patricia K. Helman, his wife and major contributor to life at the University, by Howard S. and Myra Bates Brembeck of Goshen, Ind., and Atlantis, Fla. Recipients of this award are among the University's very best students selected competitively by invitation on the basis of their academic achievement and promise, their commitment to service, and demonstrated leadership. The awards are open to students with interests in any academic field available at Manchester University.

The Russell Helstern Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends of Russell Helstern to provide scholarships for students with financial need. Because of Mr. Helstern’s enduring concern for world peace, those majoring or interested in peace studies or international relations will receive preferred consideration.

The Elizabeth Land Hendrix Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by gifts in 1995. Income from the fund is used to provide student scholarships to peace study majors. In the event that no peace study major qualifies, the income will go to the Peace Studies Program Endowment. In the event that a peace study program no longer exists at Manchester University, the income will provide student scholarships to an elementary education major.

The Robert and Cleo Henney Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established through a bequest from Cleo Henney, a graduate of 1929. Income from the fund provides scholarships for deserving students majoring in the sciences or mathematics.

The Lloyd M. and Mabel E. Hoff Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends of Lloyd M. and Mabel E. Hoff. Dr. Hoff was a distinguished professor of English at Manchester University for more than 40 years. Income from the fund provides scholarships for worthy English majors.

The Ralph Warren and Tressie Heeter Hoffman Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ralph W. Hoffman was a longtime pastor in the Church of the Brethren, a public school educator, and a friend of Manchester University. Tressie Heeter Hoffman was an alumna and supporter of the University. This fund was established in their honor by their family. Proceeds from the fund provide scholarships for worthy Manchester students with financial need.

The Carl Waldo Holl Memorial Scholarship Fund
In recognition of his long and significant service as a teacher of chemistry at Manchester University, a fund has been contributed by family and former students of Carl Waldo Holl, the income from which is used for scholarships to worthy students of Manchester University. At his death in 1978, the family and friends of Don Martin, a former Manchester University professor and colleague of Carl Holl, made additional contributions to this fund in Mr. Martin’s memory. Any junior majoring in chemistry is eligible to apply.

The Otho and Ruth Holland Business Achievement Scholarship Fund
Income from an endowment fund established by Otho and Ruth Holland, graduates of the University in 1950, provides a scholarship to an outstanding student in the Department of Economics and Business. This scholarship was created in recognition of the education they received at Manchester during their formative years, which enabled them to pursue satisfying careers. The award is to assist with tuition or other University expenses during the senior year.

Hollenberg Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was made possible by the generosity of Bob ’57 and Helen Bollinger ’54 Hollenberg. Bob spent his career as an accountant and Helen had a 38 year teaching career in elementary and middle schools. The Hollenberg family has always been generous to Manchester University as the first gift to this scholarship was made in1964. The scholarship will alternate between accounting and education majors to the extent possible.

The Greg D. Hollinger Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Greg’s parents, Carol and John, and Greg’s sisters, Brenda and Lana, in 1999. Greg graduated from Manchester University with distinction in 1993 with a B.S. degree in biology-chemistry. Greg was a third-year medical student in the Indiana University School of Medicine prior to his untimely death in 1997. Proceeds from this fund will provide scholarships for worthy Manchester University students, with preference to pre-med students.

The Rev. Kenneth W. and Helen L. Darley Hollinger Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Rev. Kenneth W. and Helen L. Darley Hollinger Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1998. Both Manchester University graduates, Ken and Helen dedicated their lives to serving people in many churches in small communities. Proceeds from this fund provide scholarships for worthy Manchester University students, with preference given to students majoring in religion or philosophy anticipating vocations in church-related ministries.

The Clyde W. and Marie E. Holsinger Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. Clyde W. and Marie E. Holsinger were married for 34 years. Dr. Holsinger was an able teacher of music at Manchester University for 29 years. He was chairman of the music department from 1953 for 22 years until his untimely death in 1975. Marie was a teacher at Manchester High School and taught three years part time at Manchester University. She accompanied Clyde on all Manchester University A Cappella Choir tours and performances. This fund, established by their family and friends, provides scholarships for promising music majors.

The Scott and Ruby Deardorff Horn Memorial Fund
The Scott and Ruby Deardorff '30 Horn Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by Carol and Dennis Horn and Belva and Leon Horn in loving tribute to Dennis' and Leon's parents, Scott and Ruby Deardorff '30 Horn. Scholarships will be awarded to students in the following order of preference: students who are members of the North Winona Church of the Brethren; students who are members of the Wabash Church of the Brethren; students who are members of the Church of the Brethren; other deserving students.

The D. Stanley ’29 and Esther Keim ’31 Houser Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established by the Houser family in recognition of their many connections and long-time support of Manchester University. (Seven children and several grandchildren have attended M.U.) Income from the fund provides scholarships for worthy students, with preference being given to those preparing for a career in health care or Christian service.

The Norman and Ruth Nichols Howard Endowed Scholarship Fund for Fine Arts
This fund was established in honor of Norman and Ruth Nichols Howard. In awarding the scholarship, preference shall be given to students majoring (or who have stated their intention to major) in music, art, or other fields in the fine arts. Second preference shall be given to students who participate substantially in such programs or their organizations on campus. Should there be insufficient need for financial aid for students, support may be provided for fine arts events, or organizational or departmental support as directed by the academic dean.

The David Newton Howe Endowed Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family of David Newton Howe, the first president of Manchester University. Manchester University was founded when Reverend Howe moved the Roanoke Classical Seminary from Roanoke, Indiana to North Manchester; he served as president from 1889 to 1894. Manchester University awarded Reverend Howe an honorary L.L. D. degree at commencement ceremonies in 1919, the university’s 30th anniversary. He was remembered as an energetic and through-going teacher and a dedicated churchman. His family honors his memory with the establishment of this scholarship for deserving students with financial need.

The Barbara R. Huffman Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1989 by a bequest from Barbara R. Huffman, a graduate of 1974. Earnings from this fund provide scholarships, with preference given to students majoring in English.

The International Student Scholarship Fund
Income from this fund, established by friends and alumni of Manchester University, provides financial assistance to international students from non-Western countries.

The Floyd M. and Trude M. Irvin Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd M. Irvin, alumni of Manchester University, to provide scholarships for worthy students. Preference is given to students who are studying in the Peace Studies Program. Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of financial need, academic ability, and promise of future service to society.

The I.W. Jackson Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was created by the family of the late I.W. Jackson, former University Trustee, to aid a deserving student at Manchester University.

The Verlin and Joan Jackson Scholarship Fund
The scholarship was established in 1978 by Verlin and Joan Jackson. Proceeds from the fund provide scholarships for worthy students with financial need.

The Pearl M. Jobes Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was created in 1969 by a sizable bequest through the will of Pearl Jobes. She was an alumna, a teacher, and a friend of youth.

The C. Emmert Johansen Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the parents of C. Emmert Johansen, class of 1959, who was a promising young psychiatrist who died unexpectedly in 1966.

The S. Bruce Kauffman ’68 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Given in fond memory of Dr. S. Bruce Kauffman—scholar, musician, financier, and friend. The Kauffman Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to contribute to the intellectual development of an outstanding student (with preference for majors in the arts and humanities) at Manchester University, over and above his or her other financial aid and usual academic program. The Kauffman Scholar(s) have the opportunity to use resources, beyond what the University can offer, in the United States or beyond, for a semester or a full academic year. Award(s) are based upon students’ proposals for their academic growth. The Kauffman Scholar is selected annually by the dean for academic affairs from candidates offering a clear statement of intellectual purpose and plan and with strong faculty recommendations. The student so honored is expected to become familiar with the life and writings of S. Bruce Kauffman.

The Stefan Kaufmann Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship, given in memory of Stefan Kaufmann, is awarded annually to a worthy student or students at Manchester University. Preference is given to students majoring in music.

Harry D. Keasey Memorial Scholarship Fund
Based on his desire to assist highly motivated and financially needy young people to attend Manchester University, this fund was established in 1996 by the estate of Harry D. Keasey. The fund was created as a tribute to the memory of J. Raymond Schutz, former Manchester University professor of modern languages and sociology, and Harry R. Weimer, former Manchester University professor of chemistry. In awarding the scholarship, preference is given to students who live in the northeast quarter of Indiana. If there are no qualifying students from this area, the fund will provide financial assistance for other worthy students with financial need.

The Luther C. and Eunice Denlinger Keenen Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in honor of Luther C. and Eunice Denlinger Keenen by their family. This renewable scholarship continues their interest in and support of Manchester University and the Church of the Brethren. Preference is given to students with demonstrated academic ability and financial need and service related to the declared major in elementary education or in peace studies.

The E. Leon and Leanna M. Keister Music Scholarship Fund
The E. Leon and Leanna M. Keister Music Scholarship, established in 2001, is awarded each year to a student or students in the Manchester Symphony Orchestra, as selected by the scholarship committee, and with preference given to wind instrumentalists. The sole criteria for selection are musical aptitude, achievement and scholarship in the music field.

The Paul and Hazel Keller Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1979 in recognition of the more than 30 years that Paul Keller ’35 served Manchester University both as a professor and communication studies department head, and as a leader noted for his integrity by his academic peers. His research and writings focused on interpersonal communication, small group interaction, and conflict resolution. This scholarship provides assistance to worthy students who maintain a major or minor in communication studies.

The A. Dale and Olive Foster Kesler Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family of A. Dale Kesler to commemorate his faithful service to the Manchester University maintenance department. Earnings from the fund will provide financial aid to worthy students who must work to fund their college education. Preference is given to Brethren students.

The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1969 by the Manchester University Community Council in recognition of Mr. King’s long and significant service to the disadvantaged of society. Income from the fund will be used to provide scholarships for incoming freshmen on the basis of financial need, potential of significant university work, but with a prior academic disadvantage, and potential service to society.

The Rufus B. King Scholarship Fund
This fund was established through a generous gift to Manchester University by Rufus B. King, director of development emeritus, who retired from service to the University in 1975. Income from the fund provides scholarships for worthy students with financial need who are satisfactorily pursuing a course of study leading to a degree.

The Tilson and Dortha King Scholarship Fund
Earnings from the fund will provide financial aid to needy Manchester University students, without consideration of academic major, with first preference given to high school graduates from Auburn and/or Nappanee, Ind.

The Evan and Lucile Kinsley Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established by Evan and Lucile Kinsley to assist students who have financial need and who show potential for future service, achievement, and leadership.

The Edward and Glada Kintner Memorial Scholarship Fund
The fund was established by the family of Edward and Glada Kintner. Dr. Kintner was an able and dedicated teacher who served Manchester University with distinction for 38 years. Income from the fund provides scholarships to deserving students.

The Carl H. and Olive Green Kley Memorial Scholarship Fund
Funds for this scholarship were provided in the will of Olive Green Kley in memory of her late husband, Carl H. Kley. Income from the fund provides scholarships for students attending Manchester University from Darke County, Ohio.

The Charles D. Klingler Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by students, colleagues, friends, and family of Charles D. Klingler, who taught English at Manchester University from 1959 until his retirement in 1994. Income from the fund provides scholarships for worthy students majoring in English.

Sharon L. Knechel Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1998 by members of the class of 1978 and other friends as a lasting tribute to the life and inspiration of Sharon Knechel. During her years as a student at Manchester and throughout her career, Sharon consistently expressed heart-felt compassion and provided a great deal of practical and sensitive care for people who had been victimized through abusive relationships. Accordingly, proceeds from this fund will provide financial assistance to students majoring in psychology or social work who intend to pursue careers in the field of crisis counseling. In the event no qualified psychology or social work majors are available, earnings from the fund may be used to fund expenses pertaining to visiting lecturers, or to assist students of these majors in attending seminars devoted to the field of crisis counseling.

The Royce E. Kurtz Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends of Royce Kurtz, a graduate of Manchester University in 1938. Mr. Kurtz was an outstanding educator who served as a teacher, superintendent of several school corporations, and director of student teaching at Purdue University. Income from the fund provides a scholarship to be awarded to a worthy student during the year when he or she is involved in student teaching.

The Dr. Arthur C. (Bob) La Follette Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established by the family of Bob La Follette to commemorate his appreciation for his Manchester University years, which gave him the foundation for his long and productive university teaching career in the fields of communications and speech pathology. Earnings from the fund provide scholarships for promising communications or speech pathology students with financial need.

The Carroll P. and Hazel R. Lahman Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Mr. and Mrs. Robin D. Lahman in memory of his parents, Carroll P. and Hazel R. Lahman. Dr. Lahman was an outstanding teacher of speech with 37 years of service in four colleges. He came out of retirement to teach at Manchester University during the 1961-62 academic year. Income from the endowment fund is used to provide scholarships to promising students. In the awarding of the scholarships, preference is given to students who are studying in the Department of Communication Studies, and to students from Illinois and Wisconsin who are members of the Church of the Brethren.

The Kate and Moyne Landis Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends of Kate and Moyne Landis following the death of Mrs. Landis in 1964. Earnings from this fund aid a worthy student.

The Bertha M. Lantz Memorial Scholarship Fund
A bequest from the will of Bertha M. Lantz makes this scholarship available to a deserving student.

The Laurie-Drake Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was begun in 1969 by Violet Laurie Drake and Norbert Arol Drake in memory of their parents, John A. and Emma Mary Laurie, and Rudolph R. and Bertha Mae Drake. On the death of Norbert A. Drake in 1972, additional gifts from family and friends were added to the fund in his memory. Mr. Drake was an alumnus.

The Leatherman Twins Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family of Lucille L. West and Louise L. Studebaker. Income from the fund provides scholarships with preference to students from southern Ohio majoring in elementary education, music, or accounting.

The Dean Lehman Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1991 in memory of Dean Lehman, by his wife, Waiva. Dean Lehman was a 1949 graduate of Manchester University and business teacher in the public schools for 32 years. The earnings from this fund will provide scholarships to worthy students majoring in business.

The Tanner Alexander Leonhard Memorial Endowed Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was established in 1991 by G. William and Paige Leonhard, music education majors of the class of ’84, in memory of their son Tanner Alexander, who died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Income from the fund provides scholarships for outstanding students studying music, with a preference for Manchester High School graduates.

The Jason D. and Blanche E. Lindower Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Jason D. and Blanche E. Lindower. The Lindowers are long-time friends of Manchester University and parents of graduates. Blanche graduated in 1925. Earnings from this fund provide scholarships for promising students with financial need. Members of the Church of the Brethren receive first consideration.

The Ronald J. Lindower Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Mrs. Ronald J. Lindower, Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Lindower Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Lindower Jr. in memory of Ronald J. Lindower, a 1961 graduate who died in 1974 shortly after being named a partner in the national public accounting firm of Ernst and Ernst. The fund will provide scholarships for students majoring in business, with a preference to accounting students.

The Mary Louise Little Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends of Mary Louise Little, a great friend and enthusiastic supporter of Manchester University, who passed away on Dec. 11, 1977. Income from the fund provides a scholarship for a student either in attendance or expecting to attend the University during the sophomore, junior, or senior year.

The Harvey L. and Alice A. Long Memorial Lectureship and Scholarship Fund
This fund was set up through a bequest from Harvey and Alice Long longtime supporters of Manchester University. Mr. Long attended Mount Morris College in 1917 and went on to receive advanced degrees from Columbia University and John Marshall Law School. He spent most of his career helping young adults; especially those with criminal and delinquent issues. Earnings from this fund provide lectures on Manchester University campus in the field of public affairs by persons of national stature. Income will also provide scholarships for students, with preference given to those from Illinois.

The Albert and Thorold Losey Memorial Scholarship Fund
A bequest from Mrs. Thorold Losey of Mesa, Ariz., established this fund. Earnings from this fund aid “deserving students.”

The Timothy A. Lower Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established in 1995 by Carol L. Lower in loving memory of Timothy Lower, who graduated from Manchester University in 1980. Income from the fund is used for student scholarships, with a preference for education majors.

Wilson B. and Mary Eley Lutz Scholarship Fund
The Wilson B. and Mary Eley Lutz Scholarship Fund is intended to assist students of high promise in continuing their education in the fields of science and/or music. As students, Wilson majored in chemistry and Mary majored in music. In 1962, Wilson returned to Manchester as a member of the science faculty where he taught chemistry and geology for thirty years. The scholarship will alternate between science and music majors to the extent possible.

The Manchester University Scholarship Endowment
Provides funds to financially assist worthy students from Wabash County who attend Manchester University or who are wanting to continue their education there.

James W. and Joyce E. Marks Endowed Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by James '54 and Joyce Eshleman '55 Marks to provide worthy Manchester University students with financial support. The Marks are grateful to donors who established scholarships they received as students at Manchester University, and would like to help future students receive the same benefit. Their hope is that someday recipients of the Mark's Scholarship will consider giving back to Manchester in the same way. In awarding this scholarship, preference shall be given to students in good academic standing and a high level of financial need.

The Kathryn Martin Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Kathryn Martin, through a testamentary bequest to Manchester University, following her death in 1970. It is designated to benefit worthy students.

The John I. and Esther Stitzel Masterson Memorial Scholarship Fund
This endowment fund was established by the family of John and Esther Masterson, both of whom were students at Mt. Morris (Illinois) College and are thereby considered alumni of Manchester University. For over 30 years, John served as superintendent of schools in Forreston, Ill., while Esther devoted her life to family, church, and community. All four of their children are graduates of Manchester University. After retirement, John, a licensed minister in the Church of the Brethren, then served several years as chaplain at Pinecrest Manor in Mt. Morris, Ill. Earnings from this endowed fund provide assistance to worthy Manchester University students with financial need. To commemorate the high value John and Esther placed on education and Church of the Brethren ideals, preference is given to students majoring in education or peace studies.

The William J. McCombs Scholarship
The William J. McCombs Scholarship established in 2004 by his mother, Betty B. McCombs, and by his sisters, Mary Beth Larkins and Lois Ann Rehrer, in memory of the 1980 accounting graduate and Certified Public Accountant. The scholarship will provide financial assistance to students attending Manchester University with special interest in accounting.

The Kathryn Stover McDonald Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund has been established by A.L. McDonald in memory of his late wife, Kathryn Stover McDonald, who contributed significantly over 40 years to her church and community through music and personal service. The income from this fund provides a scholarship to a full-time junior or senior voice major or a voice principal in music education.

McFadden Family Scholarship
This fund was established to recognize the contributions of members of the McFadden family — W. Glenn ’28 and Eva ’30 and their descendants — to Manchester University, the Church of the Brethren, and the extended community. Income from the fund will provide scholarship support to worthy students.

W. Robert McFadden Study Away Scholarship
Bob McFadden was the first major to graduate from the world's first Peace Studies Program, founded at Manchester in 1948. His commitment to justice and peace – grounded in affirming and celebrating differences – provided the foundation for his personal and professional lives. Bob loved to travel. The W. Robert McFadden Study Away Scholarship was created to help students who study away from campus, within the United States and beyond.

The C. Milton and Elizabeth Newcomer Mertz Scholarship Fund
This memorial fund has been established by the family and friends of C. Milton and Elizabeth Newcomer Mertz. The income from this fund is used to provide a scholarship for any worthy student majoring in elementary education or art, with preference given to a junior or senior student majoring in art.

Kenneth Metzger Entrepreneurship Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2002 through a generous gift by Kenneth Metzger, a 1967 graduate of Manchester University. Earnings from this endowed fund are used to support Manchester University entrepreneurship students. Students shall apply to the Mark E. Johnston Professor of Entrepreneurship Scholarship Fund at idea.darlingprepster.com. The application will consist of an essay completed by the student on the topic of entrepreneurship, "Why innovation and entrepreneurship are vitally important". Recipents will be determined by the director of financial aid upon recommendation of the Mark E. Johnston Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies.

Military Order of the Purple Heart Scholarship Fund
This endowed fund was established in 1984 to provide financial support for scholarships, seminars, and books in special education. The goal of the fund is to improve and augment the special-education instruction of all teacher education majors. The MOPH scholarship is awarded to an academically strong upper-class student who is interested in exceptional students.

Miller Memorial Environmental Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established by the family and friends of Galon Miller, Wilma Miller, and Alma Miller Robinson. The fund provides scholarship assistance for juniors or seniors who are majoring in environmental studies. Preference is given to those who show financial need, and who demonstrate academic excellence and enthusiasm for their field of study.

The Miller-Zinsmeister Memorial Scholarship Fund
A memorial fund has been established by the families and friends of Barbara Ruth Miller, Mary Martha Miller Zinsmeister and Nelson Lee Zinsmeister, Manchester University alumni who were teachers. The income from this fund is used to provide a scholarship for any worthy junior or senior who is preparing to teach in elementary or secondary schools. Barbara, Mary, and Nelson lost their lives in an automobile accident on Nov. 25, 1964.

The Carol Barr Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund
Carol Barr Miller died in summer 1980 following the birth of her son, Robert David. Mrs. Miller was a 1974 graduate of Manchester University and taught third grade in Indianapolis, Ind., and Oswego, Ill. Income from this fund provides scholarships for promising elementary education majors who have financial need.

The Harold W. Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family of Harold W. Miller, who for many years was a Church of the Brethren pastor. His family finds satisfaction in the fact that Harold Miller’s ministry can contribute into the future through those this scholarship will assist. Earnings from this fund provide financial aid for worthy pre-ministry students, with preference for those who are married.

The Noble R. and Ada B. Miller Scholarship Fund
This scholarship, in memory of Noble R. and Ada B. Miller, who graduated from Manchester University in 1925 and 1926, respectively, was established from the Miller’s estate and contributions from their sons Robert, Rodney, and Richard ’64. Mrs. Miller was originally from Fredericktown, Ohio, and Mr. Miller from Nappanee, Ind. The Millers resided in the Dayton, Ohio, area after 1945, where Mr. Miller was active in industry and where later the couple operated their own restaurant. Both died in 1980. Income from the fund provides scholarship assistance based on academic merit and financial need to Manchester University students. Preference will be given to students from states other than Indiana.

The Quinter Miller Family Scholarship Fund
This Scholarship fund was established in 1990 by Dr. Janice Miller Hoffmann in honor of her parents. Income from this fund is used to provide scholarships for worthy Manchester University students who have financial need.

The Margaret and Clarence Mitchell Endowed Scholarship Fund
The fund was established through generous gifts from H. Clarence Mitchell in memory of his wife, Margaret, a 1932 Mount Morris College alumnus. The fund will provide financial aid to deserving students with preference to students who are graduates of Oregon High School, Oregon, Illinois. If there is no eligible student, then the scholarship shall be made available to a student in northwestern Illinois. The student must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. A student's scholastic and extra-curricular achievements should be considered in the selection process.

The Lamoin A. and Mary M. Montel Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by his wife, Mary M. Montel, in 2001 to honor his life and his 15 years of service to the University and to provide scholarships to worthy students with preference to those from Wabash County.

The Clyde and Raymond Motts Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Clyde Motts ’30 and his wife to provide scholarships for worthy students who have good academic records and financial need. In awarding the scholarship, preference is given to the children of farm families. Clyde Motts graduated from Manchester University during the Great Depression. His older brother, Raymond, stayed home and worked on the farm so Clyde could get an education.

The Mount Morris Scholarship Fund
The Mount Morris Church of the Brethren contributed funds received by the church from bequests to establish an endowment fund. Income from this fund provides scholarships to worthy students studying at Manchester University.

The Dewey and Catherine Alspach Mowrer Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established by a bequest from Catherine Alspach Mowrer ’26. Proceeds from the fund provide financial assistance for worthy students with financial need.

The Gladdys Muir Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established by friends and former students of Gladdys Muir, the founder of the Manchester University Peace Studies Program. Earnings from the fund provide scholarships with preference for peace studies majors. Entering and continuing students are equally represented in the presentations of these awards.

The Clarence and Eileen Byerly Neher Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established with a generous gift from Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Neher, both members of the Manchester University class of 1937. Dr. Neher retired as senior vice president and director of the Ethyl Corporation, where he was professionally involved for 40 years, helping start new businesses in chemicals, plastics, and additives. In 1971 he was a recipient of the Manchester University Alumni Honor Award. Mrs. Neher was a short-time teacher and a long-time homemaker. She majored in elementary education. Income from this fund provides financial aid for students who are planning careers in the field of science and who have financial need.

The Oscar W. and Etha Neher Memorial Scholarship Fund
The family and friends of O. W. and Etha Neher established this fund following their deaths. Mr. Neher was a long-time professor of biology at Manchester University and was associated with the University for more than 40 years. Proceeds from this fund provide scholarships for deserving students with financial need.

The Milton V. Newcomer Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family of Milton V. Newcomer, a 1924 graduate of the University. Income from the fund provides scholarship assistance based on academic merit and financial need to a Manchester University student studying economics. If an economics student is not available, preference is given to a student studying business at the University.

Vera Ingle Newcomer Memorial Scholarship
This fund was established by the family of Vera Ingle Newcomer, a 1923 graduate of the University. Income from the fund provides scholarship assistance based on academic merit and financial need to a Manchester student studying drama, poetry, or English literature. If a student is not available in these areas, preference will be given to a student studying English at the University.

The Joseph H. Nixon Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established by a generous gift from Joseph H. Nixon of Wabash, Ind., a long time friend of Manchester University and a Trustee for many years. Income from the fund provides scholarships, with preference for worthy students majoring in peace studies. In the event qualified peace studies candidates are not available, awards may be made to history or political science majors.

Irene Winger Myers Noffsinger Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established in memory of Irene Winger Myers Noffsinger '39 by her son. She devoted her life to teaching and music. This scholarship honors her love of music and commitment to education. Worthy students who share her passion for music and /or education are eligible for consideration. In awarding this scholarship, preference is given to eligible students who are studying music or education.

The J. William Norris Endowed Scholarship Fund for Economics and Business
This fund was established by Shirley Conkling Norris, class of 1952, in memory of her husband, J. William Norris, class of 1951. The scholarship was established in appreciation for and confidence in Manchester University, which the Norrises have supported for many years with both service and financial assistance. Income from this fund will provide scholarships to students nominated by the economics, business and accounting faculty as having outstanding potential to excel and provide leadership, and to bring honor to their alma mater.

The North Manchester Jaycee Scholarship Fund
This fund has been established by the North Manchester Jaycees to confirm their belief that the quality of life in any community can be enhanced by the vocational efforts of its citizens. Income from this fund annually provides a scholarship to a Manchester High School student entering Manchester University as a freshman whose vocational goals and patterns of citizenship point toward a lifetime of service to his or her career and the community in which he or she lives.

The Dale L. and N. Jean Oxender Endowed Scholarship Fund for the Natural Sciences
The fund, established by family and friends, honors Dale L. Oxender, Ph.D., class of 1954, and N. Jean Oxender, M.A., class of 1955. Dale Oxender was a world-renowned researcher and mentor in biochemistry and genetics. Jean Oxender is a retired public school elementary teacher. Oxender scholarships shall be given to students nominated by the natural sciences faculty as having outstanding potential to excel and provide leadership in the natural sciences, and to bring honor to their alma mater.

The Mary K. Peabody Scholarship
Mary K. Peabody Scholarship in the Sciences is a tuition scholarship renewable for four years plus a one-time Imagination Grant of $2,500 for research or travel. It is funded by a generous gift from the Mary K. Peabody Endowment, which was matched by funds from the recent Lilly Endowment challenge. The scholarship honors Mary K. Peabody’s commitment to encouraging talented women and first generation college students to pursue the sciences. Qualifications for the award include: being female or a first generation college student (neither parent attended college); rank in the top 10 percent of high school class; a minimum 1200 SAT or 27 ACT; intention to major in biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, or pre-medicine; and participation in the Scholarship Day program.

The Doris M. Peters Scholarship Fund
The Doris M. Peters Scholarship Fund was established by a bequest in the will of Doris M. Peters. Income from the endowed fund provides scholarships for worthy students, with special consideration being given to residents of Huntington County, Ind.

The Michael T. Petry Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends of Michael T. Petry, a student at Manchester University who was killed in an automobile accident in February 1987. Michael was returning to campus after spending January Term in Nicaragua as a member of a Witness for Peace delegation. Income from the fund provides scholarships for promising students with financial need who are committed to nonviolence. Preference will be given to international students, particularly those from Nicaragua or Central America. If no qualified international students are available, preference will be given to students from southern Ohio.

The Ray C. and Ruth Mertz Petry Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by a generous gift from Dr. and Mrs. Petry. Dr. Ray C. Petry was a member of the class of 1926 and Ruth Mertz Petry also attended Manchester University. Mr. Petry was a James B. Duke Professor Emeritus of Church History at Duke University. Earnings from this fund will be given to support outstanding Manchester University students studying liberal arts or humanities.

The Paul A. and Rachel Hartsough Phillips Endowment Fund
This fund was established by Paul and Rachel Phillips to support the Peace Studies Program. Paul graduated from the University in 1931. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips are active members of the Church of the Brethren and have been loyal supporters of Manchester University. Income from the endowment fund is used to provide scholarships to worthy students studying in peace studies and to fund lectures or seminars and publications in the program.

The Henry and Lottie Kinsley Pontius Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established by the family of Henry and Lottie Kinsley as a living endowment in memory of their parents, who were vitally interested in the work of a Christian college. This scholarship is awarded annually to a student on the basis of academic ability, financial need, and promise of future service to society.

The James Pottenger Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established by a gift of property from his wife, Geneva Brodbeck Woods, the income from this fund is used to provide a scholarship each year to a deserving student.

The Clarence G. and Gladys M. Priser Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Clarence G. and Gladys M. Priser. The income from this fund provides scholarships to students who are preparing for a Christian vocation.

The Margaret Kendall Read Endowed Scholarship Fund
This scholarship, honoring the memory of Margaret Kendall '40 Read, was established by her loving husband, Samuel B. Read. Margaret, a secondary education major, was a generous supporter of her alma mater. Income from the fund provides scholarship assistance to first year undergraduate students at Manchester University.

The Charles Thomas Reece Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established by Mary Reece, wife of Charles T. Reece, to commemorate his life of service to his teaching career, his community, and his home. Mr. Reece was a member of the Manchester class of 1932. He was a teacher in area county schools and in Warsaw for 46 years. During 1969 Mr. Reece was president of the Indiana State Teachers Association. He was also a farmer and a good friend of Manchester University. Proceeds from this scholarship fund provide financial assistance for worthy Manchester University students.

The William and Dorothy Eberhard Reed Endowed Scholarship Fund

Established by a generous bequest, the fund provides aid for students with financial need. Dorothy graduated from Manchester University in 1932 with a degree in accounting.

The Dan W. Reed Memorial Fund
The Dan W. Reed Memorial Fund was established in 1974 by his family and friends. Income from this fund is used for scientific reference books, instrumentation, or scholarships, with preference given to the chemistry and biology departments.

The Vada M. Musser Reiff Scholarship Fund
Vada M. Musser '40 Reiff established this fund to support elementary education majors. She has done so because of her love for the Church of the Brethren and her belief in the value of Manchester University in producing graduates of ability and conviction. Vada M. Musser Reiff graduated from Manchester University in 1940 and embarked upon a career in education in northern Indiana. A lifelong member of the Church of the Brethren, she believes deeply in the strength of a value-based education. It is her desire that this fund encourages and supports students for whom financial assistance is necessary in order to have the opportunity of a college education. She further wants to support elementary education majors because of her personal love for that field. Earnings from the fund shall provide financial aid to students with need. First priority shall be given to elementary education majors and second priority to other education majors. If there is no need for financial aid, income from the fund may be used to support the education department.

The Harry R. and Marie Renner/Frank E. and Gladys Brower Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established with a gift from Leon and Rosemary Brower Renner in memory of their parents. Income from the fund provides scholarships with a preference for students interested in ministry or other Christian vocations.

The Fred A. Replogle Scholarship Fund
The Fred A. Replogle Scholarship Fund was established in 1988 by his friends at Rohrer, Hibler & Replogle, Inc. Dr. Replogle, a graduate, Trustee, and Board chairman of Manchester, was a founding partner of Rohrer, Hibler & Replogle, today one of America’s most prestigious management consulting firms. By the creation of this scholarship, his colleagues from RH&R wish to salute Dr. Replogle as a distinguished humanitarian and psychologist, as well as a beloved friend. The scholarship generated by this fund is awarded to the student majoring in psychology who best approaches the ideals embodied by Fred A. Replogle: faith, scholarship, continuous learning, and an unusual dedication to serving others.

Timothy Wayne Rieman & Gwen Radebach Rieman Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in honor of T. Wayne and Gwen Rieman by family, students, and friends in appreciation of 31years served at Manchester University as campus pastor, teacher, and friend, and to support their affirmation that "Life is Good!" Income from the fund is used to support a special event or lecture in the religion and philosophy department and as student financial aid with preference given to religion, philosophy, or peace studies majors anticipating ministry or Christian service.

Richard and Carolyn Byrer Ringeisen Scholarship Fund
This fund was established through generous gifts from Richard and Carolyn Byrer Ringeisen, class of 1966. Both Richard and Carolyn value the importance of good teachers especially in higher education. After graduating from Manchester University Richard went on to receive his Ph.D. in mathematics and held leadership positions at several universities. Earnings from the fund provide financial assistance to students studying in the sciences. Preference may be given to students preparing to teach including those that are interested in becoming a math or science professor.

The Vernon E. Rohrbacher Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family of Vernon E. Rohrbacher. Income from the fund provides scholarships awarded on the basis of need, academic excellence, and motivation for service. In awarding the scholarship, preference is given to a student who is planning to pursue a career in law.

The Dr. Norman J. Rohrer and Mrs. Melinda Yeager Rohrer Endowment Fund
This fund was established by Norman '87 and Melinda Yeager '87 Rohrer to provide worthy Manchester University students with financial aid. The Rohrers are grateful to donors who established scholarships they received as students at Manchester University, and would like to help future students receive the same benefit. In awarding the scholarship, preference shall be given to students of outstanding academic ability majoring in physics; next to those majoring in psychology; next to those majoring in mathematics; and then to those majoring in other natural sciences.

The Perry L. Rohrer Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Mrs. Perry L. Rohrer and her family as a memorial to her husband, an alumnus of Manchester University. Income from the fund is used to provide scholarships to worthy young people attending the University.

The Marty Rose Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1970 by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rose, parents of Marty Rose, to provide one or more scholarships at Manchester University. Students pursuing a program in physical education are given prior consideration in awarding the scholarship. Marty, a promising college football player, was killed in an automobile accident in November 1969.

The Rosenbury Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Mark and Janet Rosenbury in their dedication to Manchester University's mission to appreciate "the infinite worth of every person" have generously created this endowed scholarship. In awarding the scholarship, preference shall be given to students who are self-identified gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender (GLBT) or their allies. The candidates for this scholarship shall be determined by either the Campus Pastor or the Vice President for Student Development or her designee through a process determined by the Vice President for Student Development. Secondary preference shall be given to students with a minor in Gender Studies. Preference may also be given to those candidates whose financial needs are such that a scholarship is required for them to attend Manchester University.
The Keith & Helen Ross Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established in memory of Keith E. and Helen M. Ross, both alumni of Manchester University, by a provision in their estate and by gifts from their family and friends. In recognition of Keith's distinguished lifetime commitment to and pioneering spirit in industrial quality control, earnings from this fund will provide scholarships for worthy students with financial need who are majors in physics, mathematics, or chemistry with preference given to those who intend to work in the field of industrial research or quality control.

The Rufle Scholarship Fund
The Rufle Scholarship Fund was established by the will of the late Anna Rufle of North Manchester, Ind., in memory of her parents, Ademar and Jane Packer Rufle. Academic standing and financial need are requisite considerations in scholarship awards, with preference given to Manchester Community High School graduates.

The Byron and Edith Rupel Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in memory of Byron and Edith Rupel by their five daughters, all of whom are Manchester University graduates. Earnings from this fund provide scholarships for worthy Church of the Brethren students who attend Manchester University.

The Esther Rupel and Annabel Rupel Endowed Scholarship
Sisters Esther ‘47 and Annabel ’41 Rupel have been active and involved members of the Church of the Brethren all their lives. Esther spent most of her professional life teaching home economics at Purdue University and served on the Manchester University Board of Trustees for two terms. Annabel taught high school home economics and worked for the Indiana Cooperative Extension Service in Fulton and LaPorte Counties and the State 4-H staff at Purdue University. In awarding the scholarship, preference shall be given to students who are members of the Church of the Brethren.

The Clarence L. and Mary Darley Rupley Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends of Clarence L. and Mary Darley Rupley. Earnings of the fund provide scholarships for students who show good academic promise and who plan careers in education or Christian service.

The Rural Life Scholarship Fund
This fund is a gift to Manchester University from the Rural Life Association, which liquidated its organization in the fall of 1968. Formerly a medical loan fund under the Rural Life Association, its conversion to a scholarship fund stipulates that preferential awarding of this scholarship will be to a Manchester student preparing to practice in the field of healing arts in a rural community.

The Lola V. Sanger Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1996 by family members, colleagues, friends, former students, and the estate of Lola V. Sanger, in recognition of her 33 years of devoted service to Manchester University as business office manager and accountant, and associate professor of business. From 1951-58 Miss Sanger served as the sole faculty member of the accounting department. In 1973, five years prior to her retirement, she was named an Outstanding Educator of America. Throughout her career Miss Sanger's commitment to excellence and passion for teaching were closely woven with compassion for her students. The scholarship is awarded annually to the recipient of the Lola Sanger Accounting Award for the purpose of providing financial support for the student's graduate accounting degree at Manchester University. Secondary preference for the scholarship will be given to worthy students within the Department of Accounting and Business, and the Department of Economics.

The Galen B. Sargent Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends of Galen B. Sargent, a 1923 graduate of the University, who also served on the Board of Trustees and as president of the Alumni Association. Income from this fund provides scholarships to worthy students.

The Carl and Martha Schmalzried Endowed Scholarship
Funded by a generous bequest from the estate of Martha R. Schmalzried, the endowment provides financial aid to deserving students with preference to those from Wabash County, Ind. Carl and Martha Schmalzried, of Wabash, Ind., never had any children of their own, but they wanted to help others’ children. Though neither attended college, they thought education was important. Carl was the first in his family to attend high school. The bequest and resulting endowment is the product of frugal living and a deep concern for the welfare of others.

The Scholarship for Students with an Innovative Educational Plan
The Scholarship for Students with an Innovative Educational Plan was established by Manchester friends and will be given to students who from a Christian perspective aspire to make an impact on the world through innovative educational processes and wish to use education as a stepping stone to challenge the world in an unusual way.

The Carl C. Schubert Memorial Scholarship Fund
Created by his wife, Dorothy, relatives, and friends, this fund is designated for scholarship purposes.

The John and Myrtle Searer Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends of John and Myrtle Searer. Proceeds from the fund provide scholarships for students in the social sciences or English.

The Paul E. and Frances E. Senger Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1975 by Paul E. Senger of Astoria, Ill., who died in the fall of that year. Priority of award, in order, is to a student from the Astoria area in Illinois and then to the district of Illinois and Wisconsin if no one qualifies from the Astoria area.

The James G. Shaffer Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1981 by Esther W. Shaffer and daughters Carol, Susan, Janet, and Nancy, in loving memory of Dr. James G. Shaffer, who graduated from Manchester University in 1935. Income from this fund is awarded to deserving students in the field of science.

The Earl Shank Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established by Rachel Deaton Shank Flora, class of 1940, James Earl Shank, class of 1965, and Carol Shank Colclasure, class of 1969, to honor the memory of Earl Shank. Mr. Shank was owner of Shank’s Variety Store in Camden, Ohio. While not formally educated beyond high school, Mr. Shank was a life-long student who ardently studied art, the Bible, and the stock market. He was an avid coin collector. In awarding the scholarship, preference is given to upper class students who are residents of Ohio, studying education, business, economics or accounting, and who demonstrate academic achievements, financial need, and community involvement.

The Milton E. and Martha Lou Madeford-Shaw Business Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 2005 by Martha Madeford-Shaw in honor of her husband, Dr. Milton E. Shaw. Dr. Shaw was a 1949 graduate of Manchester University with a degree in Business and Social Studies. Preference in awarding the scholarship should be given to students with high academic achievement who intend to or are majoring in business, with preference to those interested in business administration.

The M. M. Sherrick Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship has been made possible by gifts and bequests from Dorothy M. Sherrick, Lois Sherrick Banks, and Ruth Sherrick Brumbaugh as a memorial to their father. M. M. Sherrick taught modern languages for 36 years at Mt. Morris College and Manchester University. He served as vice president of Manchester University from 1923 to 1938.

The W. H. and Clara E. Shull Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was created by family and friends in 1968 following the death of Mrs. Shull.

Leonora Simon-Bleke Memorial Student Aid Fund
This fund was established in 1997 through a generous testamentary bequest by Leonora Simon-Bleke. Mrs. Bleke was a member of the Manchester University class of 1928 and a life-long friend of the University. She taught all of her professional life in and around Fort Wayne, Ind. During the last 35 years of her career she taught biological science at Elmhurst High School. Earnings from the fund provide financial assistance to worthy and needy Manchester University students.

Glea Rupel Smith Endowed Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Lee Smith in honor of his loving wife for over 60 years, Glea Rupel Smith. As graduates of Manchester University, both Lee and Glea understand the value of a Manchester University education. Income from the fund provides scholarships to worthy students.

The John H. Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends of John H. Smith following his death in 1978. Earnings from the fund provide scholarships for worthy students.

The Leroy and Jennie Smith Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family and friends of Leroy and Jennie Smith. Income from the fund provides scholarships to worthy Manchester University students.

The Owen B. and Ethyle K. Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established through the generosity of Lawson K. Smith in honor of his parents, Owen and Ethyle Smith, faithful members of the South Woodland (Mich.) congregation of the Church of the Brethren. The Smiths operated a family farm near Woodland. Owen died in 1964 at age 84. Ethyle died in 1969 at age 81. Income from the fund provides scholarships for promising students with financial need.

The R. Wayne and Virginia Bryant Smith Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by R. Wayne Smith, a 1949 graduate of Manchester, and his wife, Virginia Bryant Smith. Income from the fund provides scholarships for promising students who have financial need. Strong preference is given to students from Fulton County, Ind.

The Max and Joyce Rust Snider Scholarship Fund
A memorial fund established at Manchester by the families and friends of Max and Joyce Rust Snider provides a scholarship to a student preparing for a Christian vocation. Max and Joyce lost their lives in the tragic KLM airliner crash on Aug. 14, 1958, while returning home from the 250th anniversary celebration of the Church of the Brethren at Schwarzenau, Germany.

Howard E. Sollenberger Fund for International Study
This scholarship fund was established in memory of Howard E. Sollenberger who graduated from Manchester University in 1941. He served as the Director of the Foreign Service Institute of the Department of State and was a strong proponent of world understanding. Proceeds from the fund provide assistance to students with financial need who plan to engage in international study, with preference to students going to China or locations other than Europe or North America.

The Sowers, Larson, Riebenack and Connolly Communication Fund
Established in 1988 by the Fort Wayne law firm of Sowers, Larson, Riebenack and Connolly, this award is made annually to students pursuing a degree in communication studies. The communication grant is available to both new and continuing students selected on the basis of academic record, letters of faculty recommendation, and potential for successful participation in the Manchester University Forensics Union. Applications are available through the Department of Communication Studies.

The Genita Speicher, Bernice Noble, Lena and Frank Smith Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established by Genita Smith Speicher, associate professor emerita of Manchester University, to honor her parents, Frank Melvin and Lena Loraine Smith, and a family friend, Mrs. Bernice Dick Noble. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Noble were piano teachers. Income from this fund provides scholarships for promising Manchester University keyboard majors with high academic ability. The scholarship is awarded periodically when there are adequate earnings from this fund.

The Spencer Family Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established by Ralph Spencer in honor of his wife, Barbara. The Spencer’s daughters, Jane Spencer Weaver and Martha S. Spencer join in this family memorial. Ralph and Barbara Spencer were successful business persons in North Manchester for many years. Though the Spencers did not attend Manchester University they were always good friends of Manchester. Income from this fund will provide scholarships for worthy Manchester University students.

The Springfield Church of the Brethren Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established in 1991 by members of First Church of the Brethren, Springfield, Ohio, in memory of deceased members. Income from this fund is used for scholarships, with preference for Church of the Brethren students from Clark County, Ohio.

Matthew J. and Janel Sprunger Endowed Scholarship Fund Honoring Dan West
Matt Sprunger ’78, a Fort Wayne physician, and his wife, Janel, established this scholarship in admiration of 1917 Manchester graduate Dan West. West believed that faith was a call to action, and his extraordinary vision inspired three beacons of active peacemaking that shine today: Heifer International, Brethren Volunteer Service, and MU’s Peace Studies Program. The Sprungers’ scholarship gives preference to students who understand the concepts of microfinance and the spirit of sustainable development promoted by organizations like Heifer International. Through the years, Matt has given generously of his time and resources to Manchester. The Sprungers hope that recipients of their scholarship also will “pay it forward” with financial gifts to the University once they complete their degree and gain employment.

Jane Stephens Endowed Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established through a generous bequest provided by Frank S. and Lola B. Stephens. The scholarship honors their daughter, Jane Stephens Fritsch, a 1951 Manchester University graduate. Earnings from this scholarship shall be awarded to Manchester University students majoring in music, math, or science, who are worthy and needy graduates of Wabash (IN) High School or Greenville (OH) High School.

The Vernon H. and Angela M. Stinebaugh Scholarship Fund
This fund was established with a generous gift from Vernon H. and Angela M. Stinebaugh as well as contributions from friends and many former students of Manchester. Angela M. Stinebaugh, a member of the Manchester University class of 1940, taught elementary music for many years in the North Manchester Public Schools. Professor Vernon H. Stinebaugh served on the music faculty of Manchester University for over three decades, was founder/coordinator of the Manchester String Festivals for 25 years, and long-time conductor of the Manchester University-Civic Symphony. Earnings from this fund provide financial support to promising junior or senior music students, with preference given to those majoring in strings and music education.

The Vera Barnhart Stoner Memorial Fund
The Vera Barnhart Stoner Scholarship Fund was established in 1967 by her husband, Paul D. Stoner, of the class of 1920. Mrs. Stoner, a former student at Manchester, died in August 1967.

The George L. and Mary E. Studebaker Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by a bequest by Margaret M. Studebaker in memory of her husband’s parents, George L. and Mary E. Studebaker. The income from the fund provides scholarships for worthy Manchester University students who are studying for the ministry.

The Leland Stump Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was started by Leland Stump’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stump, following Leland’s death in 1966. Relatives and friends have added to the fund. The proceeds from this endowment go to a worthy student.

The Summer Service Scholarship Fund
Initially funded by Mr. O. P. Williams, who attended Manchester in 1916, this endowment provides scholarships for students from the Church of the Brethren who are exploring a church vocation or other Christian service. Scholarship holders serve during the summer in local congregations or programs of the Church of the Brethren.

The Carol and Frances Sutton Scholarship Fund
David Sutton established this scholarship to pay tribute to his parents who made higher education a priority in their children's lives. They worked blue-collar jobs in Miami County, Ind., for years before they opened a cafeteria in downtown Peru, Ind. The Suttons worked at the cafeteria all day and did business paperwork at night. Their long hours enabled David to become the first person in their family to attend college. Income from this fund will provide scholarships for worthy students with financial need.

The James and Alice Swinger Endowed Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by James '51 and Alice Swinger to assist worthy students who aspire to be teachers. Both Jim and Alice were educators for many years and this scholarship gives first preference to worthy students majoring in elementary education. Secondary consideration will be worthy students with any major in the Education Department.

The Ora June Symons Memorial Scholarship Fund
Created in 1969 through her estate, Mrs. Symons, a North Manchester resident and member of the Lutheran Church, was a friend of youth and gave support to several Christian colleges.

The Fred Tackitt Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the friends of Fred Tackitt, who lost his life in an automobile accident in 1966. Income from this fund provides an annual scholarship for a worthy student of Manchester University whose contributions to the field of drama best reflect the outstanding quality and integrity of Tackitt’s achievements on the Manchester stage.

The Franklin C. and Lois Lichty Thomas Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Mr. and Mrs. Franklin C. Thomas, alumni of Mount Morris College, to provide scholarships for students preparing for careers in Christian service or education. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic competence and financial need.

The Floyd and Mabel Thompson Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family of Floyd and Mabel Thompson to perpetuate their memory through the provision of financial assistance to worthy Manchester University students. Preferential consideration is given to students from Michigan.

The R. Jan and Roma Jo Thompson Christian Service Scholarship
Because of their lives of faith and service, their lifelong commitment to the Church of the Brethren and their support of Manchester University, R. Jan and Roma Jo Thompson have established an endowed scholarship fund to support Church of the Brethren students and others committed to lives of Christian service. Preference shall be given to those who are members of or active in the Church of the Brethren. The donors’ strong preference is that awards shall be made to average students who might not have access to other financial assistance.

The Benjamin and Treva Timmons Memorial Scholarship Fund for Church
Leadership Development

The Benjamin W. and Treva M. (Longanecker) Timmons Memorial Scholarship Fund for Church Leadership Development is to encourage and enhance church leadership, especially within the Church of the Brethren. Established in loving memory by their children, grandchildren and friends, the Timmons Fund shall primarily support juniors and seniors. It may be awarded to students planning on church leadership careers as well as other forms of church leadership.

The Dillon Roush and Macon Dale Traxler Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established by the family and friends of Dillon Roush and Macon Dale Traxler. Additional contributions were made by Manchester University alumni who have studied abroad. Income from this fund provides scholarships to students of above-average academic ability, who have financial need, and who are involved in foreign study.

The Claude and Gladys Tribolet Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established by Jean Ann Tribolet and friends of Claude and Gladys Tribolet. Claude and Gladys, lifetime farmers, deeply appreciated Manchester University. Their daughters and all of their grandchildren completed their bachelor degrees at Manchester. Jean Ann served as Dean of Women from 1970-72 and Registrar from 1986-1996. Income from this fund provides an annual scholarship to worthy students who are the first in their immediate family to attend college.

The Lois Margaret Rupel Tuinstra Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by an anonymous donor in honor of Lois Margaret Rupel Tuinstra, a 1936 graduate of Manchester. Income from the fund is used to provide scholarship assistance to promising students with financial need.

The Howard N. and John H. Uhrig Memorial Scholarship Fund for the Sciences
Howard N. '47 and Mary Kathryn Fish '48 Uhrig originally established this scholarship endowment in 1998 to honor their son, John Howard Uhrig. John had dreams of becoming a chemist, and the fund was created to celebrate his life following his untimely death. The fund was renamed in 2013 to honor Howard as well for his lifelong commitment to the sciences and to Manchester University. He received a number of awards, including an Alumni Honor Award from Manchester in 1997. Howard earned a bachelor's degree in physics, mathematics and chemistry from Manchester, and his master's degree in audio visual education, plus extensive work toward a doctoral degree, from Indiana University. He began his career as a physics and math teacher. However, he served primarily as a very capable Director of Audio Visual for the South Bend School Corporation. Faith was an integral part of his life, and he served in many church leadership positions. He was also very willing to volunteer his technical expertise to churches, individuals, and to Timbercrest Senior Living Community. Preference for awards shall be to deserving chemistry and physics majors. Other natural science majors can be chosen when appropriate.

The J. Edson Ulery Scholarship Fund
This fund was begun in 1960 by the friends of the Reverend J. Edson Ulery. Mr. Ulery was a trustee of Manchester University for 30 years and served on the staff for eight years. He was a forceful Church of the Brethren leader in Michigan until his death in 1959.

Timothy VanDerbosch Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in memory of Timothy VanDerbosch '85. As a high school science teacher Tim was committed to teaching, his community and most of all his students. Income from this fund provides scholarships to worthy students with preference given to science education majors.

The Wayne J. and F. Isabelle Van Der Weele Fund for Students
In gratitude for the formative role Manchester University had in their lives, Wayne ’49 and Isabelle Van Der Weele have established a fund to assist students and especially to encourage those with associate degrees to continue their education at Manchester. In awarding these funds, preference is given to deserving students who have completed associate degree requirements from Ancilla Domini College, Donaldson, Ind. Second preference is to deserving students who have completed associate degree requirements from another accredited community junior college or other accredited associate-degree-granting institution. Any remaining earnings support students who must have financial assistance in order to attend Manchester University. These awards are granted during their first and continuing years at Manchester. Students in the third category need not have an associate degree.

The Bertha Van Strien Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Mrs. Margaret B. Allabaugh in memory of her mother, Bertha Van Strien, who attended Mount Morris College. The proceeds go to a worthy student attending Manchester University.

The David A. and Rebecca B. Waas Scholarship Fund
Through the generosity of former students, family, and other friends, the David A. and Rebecca B. Waas Scholarship was established to advance the University's goals within its mission to develop an "international consciousness" in its students. These ambitions reflect the Waas' shared commitments to such values, demonstrated so clearly as they have introduced many students, faculty and alumni to different cultures throughout the world. Preference shall be given to students in good academic standing, who have an interest in international studies and who foster "a respect for ethnic cultural pluralism."

The Wabash County Retired Teachers Association Scholarship
This fund was established by the Wabash County, Indiana Retired Teachers Association. The fund provides scholarship assistance to a student from Wabash County, Ind., who is preparing to be a school teacher. The fund is awarded for use during the student’s junior or senior year of study at Manchester University.

Janice F. Walrod Manchester University Scholarship Endowment
This scholarship fund was established by Janice F. Walrod in honor of her son, Worth M. Walrod Jr., who attended Manchester University as a pre-medical student. This fund provides scholarships to worthy students who are enrolled in the pre-medical program at Manchester University. If no appropriate pre-medical candidates are available, the scholarship will be awarded to students enrolled in the science program.

The Sadie Wampler Fine Arts Memorial Scholarship Fund
Income from this memorial fund provides an annual scholarship to be awarded to a Manchester University student who is dedicated to Christian service and who is majoring in music, art, or drama. This scholarship was established in 1963 at the time of Mrs. Wampler’s death by her many friends and former students in memory of her many years of faithful teaching and unselfish service to both the University and the church.

Edith M. Warner, James H. Warner and Jane Ann Warner Hullinger Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by James Warner a 1961 graduate of Manchester University in biology. He would like to honor the lives of his mother, Edith, a 1934 graduate with a major in music and his sister, Jane, a 1958 graduate in elementary education who was killed in an automobile accident. In awarding the scholarship, primary preference shall be given to seniors with a grade point average of 3.5 or above majoring in biology, elementary education, or art/music. When possible the scholarships will be awarded to students from each major on a rotational basis. If there are no qualified students from these areas, secondary preference will be given to other worthy students with financial need.

The Welcome I. and Adah R. Weaver Endowed Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established through a very generous gift from Welcome and Adah Weaver. Adah was a member of the Manchester class of 1936 and Welcome graduated in 1937. He went on to get his Ph.D. in chemistry in 1946. The Weavers took their small family owned business, Weaver Popcorn Company, and turned it into an international leader in the industry supplying popcorn to all 50 states and 30 foreign countries. Welcome was a member of the Manchester University board of trustees and provided a leadership gift to fund the new science facility. Earnings from the fund provide financial assistance to Manchester University students majoring in the natural sciences.

The Jane Weber Walter Scholarship Fund

This fund was established by the family and friends of Jane Weber Walter, a 1961 graduate, in recognition of her dedicated career as an elementary teacher and as a teacher of the gifted and talented. Jane retired in 1987 after more than 25 years of outstanding service to those she taught in the public schools in Ohio. Income from the fund provides scholarships for promising students, with preference given to elementary education majors.

The Harry R. Weimer Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established by the family of Dr. Harry R. Weimer, his former students, and friends. It commemorates 32 years of distinguished teaching in the Manchester University Chemistry Department. Earnings of the fund provide scholarships to promising science majors, with preference for those majoring in the Department of Chemistry.

The Rev. H. Arthur Whisler and Rev. Glen D. Whisler Ministerial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by family and friends of Rev. H. Arthur Whisler and his son Rev. Glen D. Whisler to commemorate their lives of faith, learning, and service. Father and son shared many values in life: both were dedicated to Brethren ministry, both attended Manchester University, both served as Trustees of Manchester, and both encouraged their children and the young people of their churches to pursue higher education. Their love for the Church of the Brethren and Manchester University inspired the establishment of this scholarship. Income from this fund provides financial assistance for worthy students with a preference for those who are members of the Church of the Brethren, with a declared major in religion, philosophy or peace studies, who have demonstrated a commitment to the Christian ministry through scholastic achievement. If no such Church of the Brethren student is eligible to receive the scholarship, students from other Christian denominations with an interest in pursuing the ministry are also eligible to receive the scholarship.

The Robert D. and Virginia E. White Manchester University Scholarship Fund

This fund was established in 2003 through a generous gift by Virginia E. White in her honor and as a tribute to her late husband. Earnings from the fund shall provide scholarships for Manchester University students who previously graduated from a DeKalb County (Indiana) high school.

The Lawrence C. and Betty L. Wieland Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established by Larry and Betty Wieland, who enjoyed many years of close association with Manchester University. Mr. Wieland served as Comptroller of Manchester from 1968-1985. Earnings from the fund will provide scholarships to worthy Manchester University students.

The Ray and Wilmina Wieland Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established by the family of Ray and Wilmina Wieland. Business majors with financial need are preferred recipients of the proceeds of this fund.

The Don L. Wilhelm Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Don L. Wilhelm, a graduate of Manchester in 1958, who went on to fashion a successful business career. Income from this endowment provides scholarships for worthy students with a satisfactory record who need financial assistance to continue their studies at Manchester.

The Naomi Royer Will Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by her husband, Harper S. Will, in 1974. Mrs. Will was a loving, serving, and outgoing person. The Wills’ two daughters graduated from Manchester University. Income from the fund will provide scholarships with preference given to music students.

The David L. Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1989 by a bequest from David L. Williams, a graduate of 1968. Earnings from this fund provide scholarships with preference given to those pursuing a career in accounting.

The Laura McIntire Wilson Scholarship Fund
The Laura McIntire Wilson Scholarship was established by Laura McIntire Wilson in 2001. A 1932 graduate of Manchester University and an Alumni Honor Award recipient, Mrs. Wilson dedicated her career to education. This fund will provide financial assistance to deserving Manchester University students with preference to education majors.

The J.O. Winger Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by the family of J.O. Winger, who served Manchester as a member of the faculty and field representative with devotion and distinction for 25 years. Income from this endowment provides scholarships for worthy students.

The Irvin S. and Jeannette Wolf Fund for Students
Irvin Wolf ’37 did not have the money to attend school in the 1930s, but Manchester University made his education possible. He went on to a career as a university professor. Dr. Irvin and Jeannette Wolf established this fund out of gratitude and as a way of passing on the gift. The Fund will support students with financial need so that they, too, may enjoy the opportunities of an education at Manchester University.

The Claude E. Wolfe Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship, given in memory of Claude E. Wolfe by his family, friends, and former students, commemorated his able and dedicated service to his alma mater from 1951 to 1976 as a teacher and coach. Worthy students who share the values exhibited by Claude Wolfe in his life are eligible for consideration. In awarding the scholarship, preference is given to eligible students who are studying health and physical education.

The Rena Wright Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1997 through a testamentary bequest by Miss Rena Wright, a member of the class of 1920. Throughout her career as a high school instructor, Miss Wright was a loyal supporter of Manchester University. Earnings from the fund provide financial assistance to worthy Manchester University students, with preference given to those majoring in education, premedical studies, or religion.

The Lillian Diane Yoder Welsh and Bessie D. Yoder Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was established in 1997 through a generous gift by the estate of Lillian D. Welsh, a member of the 1929 class of Manchester University. Having devoted her career to education, Mrs. Welsh retired as a college professor in 1959. In awarding this scholarship, preference is given to students engaged in academic programs based in nutritional studies such as biology-chemistry, health and physical education, or gerontology.

The David B. and Mary S. Yeatter Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund was established by David B. Yeatter and his wife, Mary, to provide scholarships for deserving students who show promise of significant service to society. Mr. Yeatter served with distinction as treasurer and business manager from 1951 until his retirement in 1977.

The Helen Violet Young Scholarship Fund
The Helen Violet Young Memorial Fund was established by her father, U. R. Young. The income from this fund is used for scholarships to worthy students at Manchester University.

The Simon S., Nettie B. and Lulu R. Young Scholarship Memorial Trust
This trust was established by Lulu Rae Young in 1971 through her will. It is designated primarily to aid Manchester University students who, among other qualifications, are inclined to devote a substantial part of their activities after graduation to the aid and the assistance of others and the advancement of public welfare.

The Arthur W. and Lois R. Zimmerman Memorial Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established to honor Arthur and Lois Zimmerman. After Arthur’s death in 1951, Lois supported their four children through college. Earnings from this fund provide scholarships with preference given to first-generation college students pursuing a major in accounting, communication, education, mathematics, or psychology.